I like to crochet! My fella got me some super fun yarn from a local shop and I love it!
Finding My Yoga
I am new to the world of yoga and health and am loving my journey. I am a self diagnosed celiac, craft addict, and lover of yoga! I explore different yoga studios and styles in an effort to find my own personal yoga while using my practice to help further my passion and understanding of health and crafts!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
A Lazy Week
I am one lucky lady! I work at a school so I get a nice 2 week winter break to relax, visit my loves, and do whatever I please.
One way I spent my time was through lots of yoga. My body felt amazing and I had two weeks of feeling positive and energized.
Flash forward. Those two weeks are up.
I had made a decision to go to a yoga studio 2-3 times a week and practice the other days on my own in my home. I had such good intentions! Well the first week of work came and went and I went to yoga twice, only practiced once at home, and when I practiced at home it was for 10 minutes. Yikes.
I still believe my decision is reasonable and could be done very easily, so why did I fail?
I love my job but it can be stressful and when the day is over I just want to give my mind a break. At work I have to continually practice patience, self control, and being able to roll with the punches. At yoga I have to practice patience, self control, and being able to roll with what my body can do that day. I feel as though a part of my mind has gone through the paces of yoga, but my body has not.
After going to yoga this morning I could feel the difference in my body. Poses that felt like home before were difficult and uncomfortable this time around. It was a big wake up call! In one week your body can turn into something completely different and starting from square one again can be discouraging. So I have decided that this next week will be different. I will be self accountable, I will take care of my body, and I will show up and do some yoga.
One way I spent my time was through lots of yoga. My body felt amazing and I had two weeks of feeling positive and energized.
Flash forward. Those two weeks are up.
I had made a decision to go to a yoga studio 2-3 times a week and practice the other days on my own in my home. I had such good intentions! Well the first week of work came and went and I went to yoga twice, only practiced once at home, and when I practiced at home it was for 10 minutes. Yikes.
I still believe my decision is reasonable and could be done very easily, so why did I fail?
I love my job but it can be stressful and when the day is over I just want to give my mind a break. At work I have to continually practice patience, self control, and being able to roll with the punches. At yoga I have to practice patience, self control, and being able to roll with what my body can do that day. I feel as though a part of my mind has gone through the paces of yoga, but my body has not.
After going to yoga this morning I could feel the difference in my body. Poses that felt like home before were difficult and uncomfortable this time around. It was a big wake up call! In one week your body can turn into something completely different and starting from square one again can be discouraging. So I have decided that this next week will be different. I will be self accountable, I will take care of my body, and I will show up and do some yoga.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Crafts- Winter Crochet Palooza

Circle Scarf with ruffled edges!
Button collar for the winter! Also made some little peter pan collars for Christmas para mis amigos!
Group Fitness Rocks My Socks
I have always been a fairly social person, I enjoy being surrounded by strangers and friends alike. In group classes there is no pressure to make verbal connections with everyone in the room but they are there and their presence is comforting.
Working out solo works well for some people, they get gym memberships, lift weights, go on treadmills, swim laps, and work up a sweat each week. I love that there are super self accountable people in the world, I am just not one of them.
I have purchased gym memberships in the past but I could never really get into it. I would show up feeling awkward in my old sneakers and baggy gym class shirt and scan the room filled with sweaty muscles and barely there clothing items. I feel embarrassed to admit that I was terrified of going anywhere near these Greek gods and goddesses. My eyes would then rest upon the older women doing the elliptical while watching Days of Our Lives, and yes, that is what I spent time doing at the gym.
One day a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to a Zumba class with her which sounded interesting. I had no idea what Zumba was but I was up for trying something new! Turns out I am terrible at Zumba, I have a really poor sense of rhythm when it comes to dancing and can't shake my hips at all. But I really enjoyed myself! I am much more of a Richard Simmons than a Shakira. Fellow students would laugh when they messed up, most had a smile on their face the whole time, and everyone was giving an honest effort. Thus began my journey into the land of group fitness.
The next thing I tried was Pilates at a local studio. Then I took a modern dance class at the University, which I was terrible at as well. A few month later I took tap dancing lessons at night through a community recreation program where the average age was about 55 and I was a measly 22. Finally my friend got my the birthday present of yoga classes.
Like in my other group fitness classes, in yoga everyone is there giving an honest effort. Sometimes there isn't a smile on every face but after the class in the lobby there is chatter, praise, and enough free tea for everyone as we bundle up to go home. The instructors always make themselves available for questions or just to thank everyone for making it to class!
Going to group fitness classes has helped me enjoy and show up on my road to good health. Seeing everyone together trying their best is inspiring and keeps it all fresh!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Down Diggity
Today I went to Power Yoga-
It was a pretty intense (for me) vinyasa flow class in a "warmed" room. I still am not to keen on rooms being hot in yoga but I loved this class and my instructor!
This was the first male instructor that I have ever had in a yoga class and at first I was worried that maybe it would be strange, but it wasn't! It was awesome! He was a very dynamic instructor, he gave good instruction, encouragement, and had fun with his class. At one point he even said "alright get into your down diggity" at which point I burst out laughing while getting into my down dog. Being able to laugh in class is wonderful! With that weight of silence off my shoulders I was able to breathe deeper and have a blast! He also said "reach to the skizle".
So remember:
"Down diggity" = down dog
"Reach to the skizle" = reach to the sky
It was a pretty intense (for me) vinyasa flow class in a "warmed" room. I still am not to keen on rooms being hot in yoga but I loved this class and my instructor!
This was the first male instructor that I have ever had in a yoga class and at first I was worried that maybe it would be strange, but it wasn't! It was awesome! He was a very dynamic instructor, he gave good instruction, encouragement, and had fun with his class. At one point he even said "alright get into your down diggity" at which point I burst out laughing while getting into my down dog. Being able to laugh in class is wonderful! With that weight of silence off my shoulders I was able to breathe deeper and have a blast! He also said "reach to the skizle".
So remember:
"Down diggity" = down dog
"Reach to the skizle" = reach to the sky
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Yin Yoga (bonus instructor tangent)
Yin yoga was very similar to my gentle yoga experience. It works deeply into muscles and
connective tissues through extended holds of postures. The class description said that is was great for meditators & those who lack flexibility because it works deeply into the body. The focus is less on fitness and more
on restoration, de-stressing, & relaxation.
Yin Yoga really focuses on the connective tissue especially in the
hips, pelvis and lower spine, and emphasizes deep tissue opening and
I enjoyed the structure and focus of this class but soon realized there was an issue... the instructor. I realize this isn't focusing on the yoga but I learned that there is an instructor type out there that is not meant for me.
My friend and I arrived early and were laying on our mats and getting to a calmer place when the instructor burst through the door, loudly sighed, and said "Chill". I wasn't sure what she meant by that but I took it as we will be "chilling" in her class. Most instructors tell you either before or at the start of class if you need any props, this instructor did not and was rather ticked when the whole class didn't have a blanket, a block, a weird pillow thing, and a strap. Soon it was discovered that there were not enough straps for the class and the instructor exclaimed "In my classes you are always expected to bring a strap" in a very high-and-mighty tone. She then whined about how this had interrupted our flow, which it hadn't, she had interrupted it.
As the class finally got under way she made clear that she did not approve of yogis that "show off" in their yoga practice. As double jointed person I tend to bend a bit extra in certain ways, trust me I'm not doing it to show off. I tried to tone back my double jointedness, resulting in me not really stretching anything at all, and she still gave constant comments about how we shouldn't push ourselves or really be stretching hard.
The instructor then told us how she's published in the Huffington Post. She also sprayed us with stuff and wiped oil on our foreheads. Apparently she usually uses cotton swaps for the oil but since the class was "too big" she just poured it on so it got into your hair, ears, and eyes. I might add that no where in the course description did it mention the sprays.
Throughout the class there were other strange remarks that were hard not to raise an eyebrow at, was she having a bad day? Is she one of those pretentious yogis that you thought were just a parody in comedy skits? Maybe she just doesn't know that she sounds crabby? Or, maybe it was just my friend and I that were put off by her teaching method.
I am sorry that this didn't focus on Yin Yoga all that much but I learned that the instructor plays a huge role in what I take away from a class.
The instructor did have a point though, Yin Yoga is not about pushing yourself physically but rather doing restorative poses.
I will be giving Yin Yoga another try, but with a different instructor.
I enjoyed the structure and focus of this class but soon realized there was an issue... the instructor. I realize this isn't focusing on the yoga but I learned that there is an instructor type out there that is not meant for me.
My friend and I arrived early and were laying on our mats and getting to a calmer place when the instructor burst through the door, loudly sighed, and said "Chill". I wasn't sure what she meant by that but I took it as we will be "chilling" in her class. Most instructors tell you either before or at the start of class if you need any props, this instructor did not and was rather ticked when the whole class didn't have a blanket, a block, a weird pillow thing, and a strap. Soon it was discovered that there were not enough straps for the class and the instructor exclaimed "In my classes you are always expected to bring a strap" in a very high-and-mighty tone. She then whined about how this had interrupted our flow, which it hadn't, she had interrupted it.
As the class finally got under way she made clear that she did not approve of yogis that "show off" in their yoga practice. As double jointed person I tend to bend a bit extra in certain ways, trust me I'm not doing it to show off. I tried to tone back my double jointedness, resulting in me not really stretching anything at all, and she still gave constant comments about how we shouldn't push ourselves or really be stretching hard.
The instructor then told us how she's published in the Huffington Post. She also sprayed us with stuff and wiped oil on our foreheads. Apparently she usually uses cotton swaps for the oil but since the class was "too big" she just poured it on so it got into your hair, ears, and eyes. I might add that no where in the course description did it mention the sprays.
Throughout the class there were other strange remarks that were hard not to raise an eyebrow at, was she having a bad day? Is she one of those pretentious yogis that you thought were just a parody in comedy skits? Maybe she just doesn't know that she sounds crabby? Or, maybe it was just my friend and I that were put off by her teaching method.
I am sorry that this didn't focus on Yin Yoga all that much but I learned that the instructor plays a huge role in what I take away from a class.
The instructor did have a point though, Yin Yoga is not about pushing yourself physically but rather doing restorative poses.
I will be giving Yin Yoga another try, but with a different instructor.
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