Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Lazy Week

I am one lucky lady! I work at a school so I get a nice 2 week winter break to relax, visit my loves, and do whatever I please.

One way I spent my time was through lots of yoga. My body felt amazing and I had two weeks of feeling positive and energized.
Flash forward. Those two weeks are up.

I had made a decision to go to a yoga studio 2-3 times a week and practice the other days on my own in my home. I had such good intentions! Well the first week of work came and went and I went to yoga twice, only practiced once at home, and when I practiced at home it was for 10 minutes. Yikes.

I still believe my decision is reasonable and could be done very easily, so why did I fail?
I love my job but it can be stressful and when the day is over I just want to give my mind a break. At work I have to continually practice patience, self control, and being able to roll with the punches. At yoga I have to practice patience, self control, and being able to roll with what my body can do that day. I feel as though a part of my mind has gone through the paces of yoga, but my body has not.

After going to yoga this morning I could feel the difference in my body. Poses that felt like home before were difficult and uncomfortable this time around. It was a big wake up call! In one week your body can turn into something completely different and starting from square one again can be discouraging. So I have decided that this next week will be different. I will be self accountable, I will take care of my body, and I will show up and do some yoga.

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